24 September 2009

Deadline ahead

"Defending Walls" is due to the publisher before October 31st - that's everything, including the cover art. So now for a bit of last minute panic on my end as I try to figure out exactly what I have written and if it says what I want it to say at every point. *s* That's always the case, that last minute feeling that I've obfuscated rather than made things clear. I'm not sure if this is a common fear of writers in general or if it's just me, but it happens every time.

I'm also convinced that although I wrote all the dates down and have corresponded as precisely as is humanly possible, someone is going to come along and tell me that something is absolutely inaccurate and along the lines of what gives historical fiction writers everywhere a bad name. It's amazing how much that thought can contribute to obsessive twitching and re-reading.

Then, of course, there is also the wonderful feeling of relief when it's gone...and you can move on to the next thing. In this case, the third book, which I am not quite sure counts as moving on, but certainly counts as moving forward - and possibly just 'getting on with it.'